Project Nr: 2020-1-SI01-KA229-075943_5

Project Start Date 01-09-2020

Project End Date 31-08-2022

Main objective of the project:    Exchange of Good Practices



Inclusion – equity

Early School Leaving / combating failure in education

Project Summary:

School bullying is defined as” Unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance”. The values of freedom, tolerance, respect for diversity and non-discrimination are cornerstone values of European societies, but bullying at schools damages these values.Bullying issue is a key factor in early school leaving, and has serious and long-term effects. It affects mental health and the academic performance of children. The coordinating school(Slovenia) felt the necessity of implementing this project based on the needs analysis with the aim of increasing academic achievement, raising the rate of university placement, dropping out of school and achieving social inclusion, which is in accordance with EU 2020 goals and the achievement of schools’ own strategic goals, so the coordinator collaborate with other 5 schools   ( Romania, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Slovania), which have attach importance to bullying issues and have good practices about it.The target audience of the project is students, teachers, parents, school administrations, local people, neighboring schools, local authorities. In total 72 teachers who constantly strive for their own professional development and 144 students aged between 14-16 will participate in 6 LTTs.

We aim at obtaining the following in/tangible results:

  • Reduced bullying in partner schools at least by 30% and 40% for the 1st and 2nd years of the project respectively
  • Teachers and parents will learn their roles and responsibilities to deal with bullying thanks to seminars
  • Short films by pupils and families
  • A rap song composed by pupils on befriending
  • Posters created by pupils
  • Seminars about preventing bullying for pupils, teachers and parents
  • An informational brochure to be distributed to other schools to make them aware of the project
  • A digital book to enlighten the other European countries experiencing the same problem
  • T-shirt designs for dissemination
  • Digital citizenship and Peer bullying weeks to be held in partner schools every year to ensure the sustainability
  • Silent Drama to raise awareness of bullying







    -Well-prepared, highly qualified teaching staff.

    -A variety of extracurricular activities that develop students’ interests and talents.

    -A very inclusive school, really interested in enhancing diversity and making it an added value.

    -Successful students in artistic competitions and sports competitions as well as local theme competitions.

    -Experience in Erasmus+ projects

    – Open-minded school board; enthusiastic students; motivated teachers

     -Less emphasis put on the development of transversal skills due to the National Curriculum requirements

    -No special programmes for the prevention of peer bullying

    -Cyberbullying issues

     -Rather well-equipped

    -Actively promoting the application of the new teaching methodologies

    -Excellent connection to the local community

    -Great dissemination activities from school, local, state to international level

    -Bureaucratic workload; national rules regarding project (and money) management

    -Force major cases(pandemic, natural disasters- in these possible cases, each partner will abide by the rules cited by NAs and health preventions and social distancing will be valued)


    -Previous KA101 projects

    -A funded KA101 project about bullying named “KİVA and Drama against bullying”

    -eTwinning project about bullying

    -Open-minded school board; Enthusiastic students;   Highly motivated project team with MA and PhD degrees

    – Having a security guard in the school

    -No experience in Ka229 projects

    -All the students in the school are girls

    -Cyberbullying issues among students


    -Central location of the school to enable high visibility of the project

    -Good relations with local media and NGOs to publicize the process and results of the project

    – Newly built school with selective teachers and students

    – Having good physical and technological facilities

    -Bureaucratic Workload (many documents will be required)

    -A possibility of the replacement of the key person (a new member will be supported and transition will be imperceptible)



    -A very inclusive school, really interested in enhancing diversity and making it an added value.

    -Experienced in Erasmus+ projects, in eTwinning and proud to offer a variety of extra-curricular activities as well as national and international projects and competitions.

    -Lack of specific programmes to increase awareness of peer bullying.

    – Phone addiction by the students.

    -The students are always at the centre of the learning process, improving their skills and creativity thanks to a good team of teachers well connected with families, local authorities, associations.

    -Excellent in the dissemination activities of international projects.

    -Bureaucratic workload

    -Number of teachers involved


    .participation in programmes and funding beyond the narrow limits of the school thus motivating both teachers and students to acquire further knowledge and experiences

    ·previous experience in e-twinning and Erasmus+ programmes

    ·enthusiasm of the participating students and teachers

     · absence of programmes relative to recognition and confrontation of the bullying phenomenon

    · the teaching staff of the school isn’t every year the same


     ·Acquaintance with the different cultures and ways of living of other countries

    · exchange of good practices in facing bullying among schools of the same educational level

    ·experience and good collaboration of the participating parts

    · opening of the school into the society and the media by publicising the outcome of the project

     · workload

    · small number of participants


     -a school with several Etwinning projects (one European quality label , two Etwinning Quality labels)

    -the interior and the exterior of the school has surveillance cameras as well as a school guard

    -an inclusive school -we have students of several minorities, religion, from both rural and urban areas, students with special needs – everyone benefits of well trained teachers and support school  staff

    -No experience in Erasmus KA2 projects

    -many of our students have parents who work in foreign countries, this leads to a lack of communication between teachers-parents

    -students’ internet addiction (almost all the students have at least one  account on a social network)

    -a good cooperation with the local community and the government bodies

    -the only art vocational school in the county which enables the education of students with special needs through arts

    -the school fosters a good collaboration between students from various backgrounds

    -the development of new international projects will lead to an increase interest in student enrollment


     -lack of specific knowledge and insufficient trained staff

    -refusal of parents to let their children participate

    -too much paper work
