Hacı Süleyman Çakır Girls Anatolian High School is located in Eskişehir, Turkey. It is a project school. The school has an entrance examination, therefore, admits students successful at a national exam to a certain degree.There are 40 teachers, 550 students and 3 administrative staff in the school. There are many educational facilities to provide students with an effective learning and friendly environment for intellectual development such as labs, project rooms, library, cafeteria, a language class, art and music classes. The school provides general education in all basic subjects. Students, aged between 13 and 17, attend to school for 4 years and take matriculation exam in the end. The vision of the school is to educate students as global citizens and lifelong learners committed to a sustainable future and to raise students endowed with the values of respect, integrity, responsibility, philanthropy, independence, cooperation, innovation and critical thinking.